

The Petroleum Products Testing Laboratory (PPTL) runs as a separate and independent unit within the structure of PRISTA OIL HOLDING EAD.

The Petroleum Products Testing Laboratory is located on the territory of the Lubricating blending plant in Ruse and accommodated in spaces covering an area of 1000 m2. The PPTL owns the most modern testing equipment, monitoring and control instruments, and measuring devices for product testing according to different standard methods – BDS, BDS ISO, ASTM, etc. The laboratory was created in 1996. Since 2003 it is accredited according to BDS EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Currently, the PPTL has accreditation for testing and sampling of lubricants of various viscosity grades and performance levels – lube base oils, lubricating oils AN, gear oils, turbine oils, hydraulic oils, compressor oils, transmission oils, engine oils, transformer oils, aviation oils, metalworking fluids, brake fluids, coolants (antifreezes).

The Petroleum Product Testing Laboratory of PRISTA OIL HOLDING EAD provides services according to BDS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 while ensuring a professional and competent performance of testing and sampling for all activities that are part of its declared scope of accreditation.

A good appraisal of the work of the personnel of PPTL is their excellent performance in interlaboratory comparison programs for suitability and proficiency testing organized by АSTM - Interlaboratory Crosschecк Programs, SGS IIS (Institute for Interlaboratory Studies, the Netherlands), and programs organized by Chevron, Bulgarian organizers, etc.

The laboratory participates in new product development and performs monitoring of in-service oils.

The personnel of the PPTL represents PRISTA OIL HOLDING EAD as an organizational member of ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), BDS (Bulgarian Institute for Standardization), TC 67, The Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria and others.