

DECLARATION on Corporate Sustainability Policy на Приста Ойл Холдинг АД






The management of Prista Oil Holding AD is aware of its responsibility to implement the policies, resulting commitments and responsibilities to carry out activities to ensure sustainable development of the company, increase the well-being and quality of life of employees and reduce the environmental impact of its activities.


Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of society without limiting the ability of future generations to meet and realise their needs. People are at the centre of achieving sustainable development and they are the driving factor because the right to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature depends on them. Sustainability affects all levels of societal development - local, regional, national and global.


Policy scope

This policy applies in the implementation of the three main pillars of sustainability, which should be developed in parallel through the application of standards and practices related to environmental (E), social (S) and corporate (G) governance. 


Environmental sustainability is associated with the protection of nature and the environment as an expression of strategic concern for future human generations. It encompasses the management of impacts on the environment and natural resources (water, soil, air, energy resources, raw materials), the reduction of post-consumer waste, the prevention of abrupt climate change, the care for the preservation of cultural and natural areas in their original form, and the overall respect for our natural surroundings.


Social sustainability is the aspect through which the development of society is seen as an approach that creates human capital development and participation of every employee, consumer, and society. It encompasses respect for human rights, investment in human resources (training), ensuring decent working conditions, ensuring social security, taking practical action to ensure equal opportunity, social justice, fair distribution of income, equity.


Corporate sustainability is associated with the mediating nature of economic relations in modern societies. Of particular relevance here are policies and practices on conflict of interest, business conduct, corruption, code of ethics, grievance mechanisms, governance structure and effectiveness of governing bodies. Supply chain engagement and control, including protection from economic resources plunder, employment, social security, international economic stability.


The company's corporate social responsibility and sustainability principles are:

  • Compliance with national legislation and international agreements;
  • Respect for human rights, prohibition of discrimination;
  • Gender equality and sexual orientation;
  • Responsible attitude towards the environment;
  • Creation of healthy and safe working conditions;
  • Development of human potential;
  • Openness and transparency;
  • Ethical behaviour and zero tolerance to corruption;
  • The Company works daily to achieve its sustainability goals.


The company's corporate social responsibility and sustainability objectives are:

  • Life cycle assessment
  • Preparation of a sustainability report
  • Reducing the environmental impact of production processes
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reducing water use and water losses
  • Waste control
  • Development of biodegradable products and their certification
  • Ensuring traceability along the supply chain and contractors
  • Support and participate in charitable initiatives with local impact

The Company's policy is aligned and operates in parallel with other regulatory and guidance documents in the Company and the implemented integrated quality management system for occupational health and safety and environment.  The plant is currently certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and AQAP 2110 standards.


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